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Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Reflection Week 7b (Assignment 9)


The super hard effort to complete the assignment for this week continued. Besides doing spreadsheets, we were also being instructed to create a database using Open Office Base (Assignment 9). This was another thing that I have never utilized before. But, nevermind; LEARN, LEARN AND LEARN. Despite my unfamiliarity with the applications, I was so grateful that the instructions given were very comprehensible.  We could clearly see what were the things that we have to do. And for this particular task, I owe it to our beloved lecturer Mr. Fariduddin. He was so dedicated to assist and guide us endlessly. I truly appreciate it form the very bottom of my heart.

Included in the instructions for Week 7b, we are supposed to:

  1. 1.      Tables: Create table in Design view ( 4 separate tables and using the students ID as the primary key)

v  Student table
v  Parent table
v  Curriculum table
v  Co-curriculum table


  1. 2.      Tool-> Relationship: Create relationships between the tables by linking the students ID.


  1. 3.      Use wizard to Create Form:

v  Student form
v  Parent form
v  Curriculum form
v  Co-curriculum form


  1. 4.      Data entry using Form
  2. 5.      Create several queries from the database
  3. 6.      Create reports based on the queries

By referring to those outlines, I encountered fewer problems in creating the database even though it was my very first time to create a database. I shall never say I have totally zero problem as it was my first time utilizing it so I didn’t even know how to start at first. I owe my work much to Mr. Fariduddin.
            Database is another crucial thing for teachers to know. By using this, it is easier for teachers and school administration to keep the data for each student. Imagine if we were to use a manual file for each student to store their database, teachers’ life will be miserable and the office will be flooded by files of hundreds and maybe thousands of students.
I am proud to mention that I am very fortunate to learn this skill as early as now. Not everybody is given the same chance to learn and explore computers and technologies comprehensively as what have I experienced while doing the assignments. The skills shall be kept tight in my mind and I definitely being applied during my working time in a few more years to go.

<I have uploaded the database that we have done to my Yahoo Group.>

*Happy reading* 

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